Dear Customer,
Please carefully review the important message provided within the client cabinet.

Report on the effectiveness of Macte Invest investment strategies

We offer you to get acquainted with the report on investment strategies that were developed by Macte Invest during the last 12 months, and their effectiveness at the end of the 2Q 2019. A required recommendation in most of the strategies is to hedge risk by purchasing a PUT option. The report also presents a possible result of investing without hedging in order to assess the real change in the price of the offered shares and the importance of insuring risk in a situation of unfavorable market movements. 

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Investments in products specified in this document may not be suitable for all investors. We remind you that the investor might not be able to return the invested amount. Macte Invest did not study the suitability of this investment to suit your individual needs and your risk tolerance. The content of this document is provided for information purposes only and is not an advertisement for securities and other financial instruments and/or financial services. This document does not express the intention of the company to provide investment adviser services, does not contain assurances that the financial instruments, products or services described in it meet the requirements of any of the addressees / users of this document, other persons who for whatever reason have received access to this document.

Any information presented in this document is subject to change at any time without prior notice. This document provides forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are not based on actual circumstances and include statements of opinion or current expectations. Thus, prices, payout sizes and other indicators appearing in this document are only indicative and can not be considered a guarantee. You must make your own risk assessment, not relying solely on the information with which you have been acquainted. This document is confidential and no part of it can be transferred or otherwise communicated to a third party (except for your external consultants, provided they have accepted similar confidentiality terms) without the prior written consent of the company.

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